UK Single-Single Number Plate Registry

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Total Plates in the Registry: 370

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Updated 31st January

Here is spots 369 and 370

What I can tell you is that there will be another new spot next month......

New spots are....

5 X was sold by DVLA in 1993 for £9K

For those of you that follow me on Insta I was able to reveal 5 X as my 500th post. If I'm honest it was going to be last months new spot but a few days before I was set to reveal one of my Insta followers pointed me towards some pictures of N 2 and as I already had this set to be a future new spot I quickly swapped 5 X with N 2.

Unable to confirm but it looks like the plate was assigned at new. Don't expect to see this often as it's 32 year old XJ220 with sub 4,500 miles, only 500 of these were covered in the past 20 years. This picture was taken in 1996

This photo was taken in 2002

Transferred plates are B 8, F 9, 1 L, 7 R, T 2, 8 S and V 8(1 L has changed ownership)

Updated pictures...

Clearer or better pictures for A 5, 7 J, 3 G, 5 K, O 4, T 4, 1 U, Paired U 1 & 1 U, 3 W, 6 W and X 2

New pictures for previous vehicles

I've seen a picture of this Range Rover before but a follower sent me this one and I'm happy that it's genuine

New Pair pictures

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