UK Single-Single Number Plate Registry

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Total Plates in the Registry: 367

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Updated 26th November

In the last update after a lot of research there was an extensive update on the Yet to be Found section where I revealed a series of lost plates, 53 in total, leaving 380 1x1's out in the field. This meant that there are 14 left to spot.

This means that new spots will be few and far between, or so I thought..... Some more have surfaced and purely because there are so few to spot I've decided that I'm going to slowly feed them in, but I can tell you there will also be a new spot next month too!

New spots are....

7 O was sold by DVLA in 2010 for £83K, after 14 years it was assigned to a Ferrari F8 in June 2024.

Transferred plates are....(E 4 is under new ownership)

Updated pictures...

Clearer or better pictures for A 5, G 8, N 4, S 3, T 5, Y 8 and 7 Y

New pictures for previous vehicles

New Pair pictures

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