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For some time now I've wanted to include a section on books but keeping the site updated with pictures keeps me occupied.

Thankfully a fellow autonumerologist has come to my rescue providing all the pictures and information on this page.

As you will see each picture is dated and this is the original release date of the book, they appear in chronological order and are colour coded to let you know the rarity. The majority of books are put together by Noel Woodall, who in 1964 introduced the term Autonumerology to put a name to his newfound interest in car registrations. On many of his later books he worked closely with Brian Heaton.

Noel died in 2013 aged 82.

Brian Heaton died in 2023.

I've split this page into ten sections.

I - Books from Noel (with Brian joining him later).

II - Other books

III - Car Numbers Magazine by Tony Hill

IV - RNC (Registration Numbers Club) Newsletter

V - Regtransfers Magazine

VI - Cigarette cards

VII - On Your Bumper Newsletter

VIII - DVLA auction catalogues

IX - Other stuff

X - Top three recommended books for a starter auto-numerologist

I - Books from Noel (with Brian joining him later).

Values range from £15 to £400+ depending on the year and rarity, although it's also acknowledged that only a dozen or so books a year ever come onto the market and there are many collectors actively hunting for them. An average/mean value would be £40/50 a Noel book though, some are as low as £15 and others £200 each depending on what edition/year/condition it is.

A full set of books in this section will cost you in the region of £1,500 to £2,000 depending on condition.

GREEN - common/not rare

YELLOW - fairly rare

RED - very rare

BLACK - extremely rare

II - Other books

A full set of books in this section will cost you in the region of 750.

III - Car Numbers Magazine

A full set of magazines in this section will cost you in the region of 800. That's if you can even find them for sale.

These were published and printed by Tony Hill of Elite Registrations to a small subscriber base between November 1980 and Spring 1995. There were 93 issues to collect. They varied in format, colour printing and paper size. Earlier issues were tabloid-paper style and 8 paged whereas the later ones were full-colour fronted and contained 40+ pages. There are thought to be less than 10 sets this complete in existence.

IV - RNC Newsletters

These are distributed to members of the RNC.

V - Regtransfers Magazine

VI - Cigarette Cards

VII - On Your Bumper magazine

VIII - DVLA auction catalogues

IX - Other stuff

Yes, there really was a LP

X - Top three reccomended books for a starter auto-numerologist

The following suggested books are each by different authors and realistically attainable on the book market..

The first is Car Numbers - Then and Now - 2008 - written by Noel Woodall and Brian Heaton.

The second is The Number Plate Book - written by John Harrison.

The last one is a RegTransfers book, Fanatical about Number Plates - written by Ruth Speechley

To help you I'll give you some prices on these books. Car Numbers - Now and Then - 2008 can be bought on eBay or Amazon every so often for a reasonable £40/£60. John's book, The Number Plate Book, is the only one available new, and can be purchased by sending a cheque for £7.95 to John Harrison at 175 Hillyfields, Loughton, Essex, IG10 2PW and he'll post you a copy. Fanatical about Number Plates can be bought on eBay for about £5.

So a set of these recommended starter books will cost in the region of £55 - £75 and will provide you with many hours reading and plenty of information.

Credit: OJ

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