UK Single-Single Number Plate Registry

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Thought it was time to include a FAQ section...

Q/ Are all 1x1's transferable?

A/ Not at all. E 7, J 5, 1 M, N 7, T 7, 8 U, Z 1, Z 5 and 1 Z are all marked as non transferrable for various reasons. The Z plates because they are Irish plates and therefore non transferable. 8 U was bought as a pile of parts on a pallet and it missed a DVLA cut-off. When the 1957 moped was re-registered in 2012 DVLA marked the plate as non transferable. 1 M was issued to the Malaysian Embassy and as such is also non transferable. I am aware of why the others are also but it's something the owners would prefer me not to disclose.

Q/ What's the most expensive 1x1 ever sold?

A/ There are some 1x1's that have sold for an amount in excess of £1 Million. You will see thoughout the site that sometimes an owner or seller has asked me not disclose the amount involved and I will respect that.

Q/ What's the least expensive 1x1 ever sold?

A/ In modern times 8 X was sold at DVLA auction in late 1992 £3,869.38. It was advertised eight months later for £12.5K. Historically it's impossible to know what they sold for in the early 20th Century, but many were reissued between 1957 and 1963 for £5, the most famous been M 6

Q/ How many 1x1's were issued?

A/ This is answered in the 'About' section, but in short it's 435.

Q/ Are any of the remaining 1x1's owned by family from original issue?

A/ Yes, but obviously not many. S 3 and G 6 are family owned since original issue.

Q/ Are there any people who own more than one 1x1?

A/ Yes, it's taken quite a while to compile but you may be surprised to hear that there are over 40 people who own two or more 1x1's.

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